
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

A few things I'm learning along the way

So, yesterday (Friday) was my first day without internet access since I've been here and here are some things I learned about Ghana while I was out of the loop:

1) There are not many people that are too trustworthy here, so almost anything you want to buy long term is pre-paid instead of pay as you use (i.e. rent, internet, and even electricity).

2) "Lights out" is kind of like that season of time when California just shut off electricity for certain periods of time to save energy. Except, I don't think they do it here to save energy. We had "lights out" today.

3) I am realizing how much it has helped to stay connected over the internet (i.e. facebook, emails, and comments on my blog here) since my time here. I felt a little bit more homesick than usual yesterday (I feel homesick for a little bit of time everyday. I'm sure it will get better with time.)

4) Lights out nights are the perfect nights to get out of the house and go for a walk. Tonight, we went out for a walk at the Freedom Center. We stopped midway to get some frozen treats (I love this strawberry yogurt thing they have here. . .yummy!). The kids were so funny, fighting over a chance to hold my hand. And suprisingly enough, it was the boys who wanted to hold my hand the most! They are very loving!

5) This I didn't learn while being away from my computer, but thought you should know anyway. . .I will be gone Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (maybe Saturday too. . .not sure) of this week. Wednesday, we are going to Doryum with a group from the States to do some outreach. Doryum is where we'll be moving in October--a village about 20 miles outside of Tema. Then, Thursday and Friday we'll be up in Chindiri doing some outreach. That is the community that City of Refuge works with to rescue children off of Lake Volta. I'm excited to get to see all of this and will bring back pictures galore, I'm sure!

Tomorrow is our day to gather together and worship. Blessings on your Sunday!


  1. I love that they wanted to hold your hand!!

  2. I remember the "lights out" time in So Cal. Crazy. Do you use candles when it's lights out?

  3. This time, it was during the day, so it wasn't a big deal except that I wanted to use the internet!
