
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Little Touch of Home

It has been a weird break for me so far.  I have felt a little homesick and also desire a lot of resting time, but then feel guilty when I take a nap or do something "unproductive" like watch TV all afternoon.

I remember my break last April with Katie Majewski home with me and us spending hours of time locked in my little room hammering out summer camp thing.  Laughing and chatting about life and all the things that were happening.  I really miss Katie this April break...I miss a little touch from home. 

But, today, it was so nice because I had a scheduled phone call with Christy Lynch to discuss the August Day Camp and it was such a nice refreshing breeze of HOME!!  Sometimes, I just need that! 

It's kinda funny how Christy and I became friends...I mean, she's quite a bit younger than me, but a few years ago, I lived in her parent's basement with about 5 other people.  That summer was amazing!  I had come out of my first year of teaching and it had been REALLY TOUGH.  My roommate and one my best friend's was getting married, so my living situation had to change and I moved into the Lynch's basement.  Needless to say, after I moved out, they instituted a "quiet hours after 10" rule in their contract.  Whoops! 

Christy was a big part of that summer though.  Coming downstairs singing showtunes, horror night Thursday (I hated that one!), kidnapping friends with pantyhose on our heads, and so much more!  It was a fun summer, and a much needed summer of laughter after such a hard year of teaching.

And then, as time went on, our friendship/aquantaince continued to grow.  But, it really began to blossom when Christy told me that she was going to come out last August for our day camp and help run the program.  I was so grateful as I knew that I would be in the States at the time I needed a little help to run the program while I was gone.  And when I finally arrived back at the end of August, I got to spend nights chatting with her in my room, talking about Ghana...about our kids...about CORM...about life...and we became sisters!  Ghana does that to people...makes them family.

So, when she told Tom and I that she was IN for my planned trip to Australia in February, I was excited to spend my days with adventurous Christy!

And today's conversation was just a feeling of home...a time to laugh about a few things...plan for the time when she will head back to Ghana...and just a little bit of what I've been hungering for this break.

I am so lucky to have such an amazing support system back home in the form of some pretty amazing friends and family.  God is good!

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