
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Fun

Last Easter, my friend Katie Majewski was here in Ghana. This Easter, I was reminded of my time with her and missed that feeling of "home" that she brought with her. I remembered her vegetarian frame of mind as we prepared the chickens and goat for our big feast. I remembered baby John and baby Princess a part of our family at that time. I remembered our endless games of "Beans" and our easter egg hunt and the jello that I made that turned gray (don't ask me why)...I missed her this year!

But, her traditions are still kept alive. This year, we had some volunteers come through a couple days ago (thank you Paige from FTO) that brought some more easter eggs and some candy for the kids. So, with Louise (YGAP), Josiah (AIS in Accra), Stacy, Andrea, Edgar (SAS or Finding Refuge), and I--we organized a pretty amazing Easter Egg hunt yesterday! In fact, the whole day was pretty fun!

We had our service in the morning with a lot of dancing and a message of hope, and then the food preparation began! Aunty Andrea and Uncle Josiah even chimed in to help pluck the chickens (some of the TOUGHEST chickens I've ever eaten-or tried to eat-in my life!!!). When we finally ate (around 4), we were all hungry for all the yummy foods...fufu, pounded yam, agousi soup, pepper soup, potatoes and chicken, and goat (lots of goat).

After that, we toasted to electricity (the fact that it FINALLY CAME on Saturday!!!!!!), Easter (and all that Jesus did to conquer death), and to each other (it was an extremely long and stressful week!).

And then...the egg hunt of the century. I think most of the kids came down off of the sugar high right around 8:00 pm...I didn't know if I would survive the sugar high, though...it was pretty crazy for awhile.

In any case, it was a great Easter (minus the missing home factor) and I was so happy to get to celebrate it with my friends and family here in Ghana!

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