
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Friday, October 28, 2011

A Crazy Friday...make that Thursday

This week was a four-day week as it was midterms. It was quite a busy one as Mr. Francis was gone dealing with some family business all week. Usually, when he is away, I spend much of my time in the office, but this week, I also have some formal observations to get done and it seemed like the kids thought this would be the appropriate time to all act like wrestlers in a boxing ring. Whew!

Yesterday was the craziest day of all! Stacy and John came with me in the morning to meet with some parents about a note that some of the kids had been passing around in their class earlier in the week. Dealing with that issue was going to be difficult enough as it was, so I called in reinforcements. It was kind of funny because Stacy was asking what she could do early in the morning before school started and there really wasn't anything that I could give her to do, but the second school started up in the morning, we were busy until long after school had ended for the day.

First of all, it was the last day of mid-terms, so I had told the students that I would be going through their exams to see who had done well. So, I went through each and every student exam (just so you know, that 80 students with 6 exams each). Yeah, that took me awhile. I also had to finish up testing the KG1 and KG2 classes (that's preschool and kindergarten). I wanted to see how much they had learned so far and the results that came of those tests, well, that is a whole other issue in and of itself. Then, it was time for kind cash store. Stacy had been working all morning on our library books, labeling them and getting them ready to be set up in our store room (our temporary library). When she finished with that, she set up for kind cash store and all of the sudden, we had whole herd of problems come up right at the same time!

First of all, one little boy that we've been working with in our 1st grade class, Simon, hadn't earned enough money to go to the kind cash store, so he decided to run out of his class, lay down on the floor in the middle of the hallway and roll around crying at the top of his lungs. So, I carried him to the office where he proceeded to roll around on the floor, knock things off a table, and then try to bite me for the next 20 minutes. In the middle of that, a knock came to the door of my office stating that the Ghana Health Service was at our school coming to vaccinate the children 5 and under. They needed to know the ages of all of the children, but since I had a child going crazy in my office, I didn't have the time to get out my files to look up children's ages.

Finally, close to 3:00 (the close of our school day), John came up stating that the bus was still broken down (the bus we have hired is a hunk of junk and breaks down usually once or twice a week) and he'd have to take trips of students home. He got Simon in the car and took him home with a whole bunch of other kids.

Then, it began to be time to clean up my mess. I hadn't had the time to do any accounting for the day and I just had to shove it all in my backpack to take it home, but when it came time to lock-up, I couldn't find my keys. Ahhhh! It was so frustrating. I had been so flustered with Simon's knock-down-drag-out fit, that I couldn't even think straight. Finally, Stacy found them, sitting on my desk where I usually put them. Thank goodness for her calm state of mind, because I was more than a little flustered yesterday afternoon.

But, I was thankful that it was only a 4-day week and I came home and was able to just relax a bit. I played with the babies (I seriously LOVE hearing Malvin, Edwin, and Justice giggle). Then, I had Dora and Portia do my hair (Portia said I looked like a chicken...I don't think that is a compliment!). Then, I played a couple games of cards with Grace, DK, Miracle, and Micheal, and then it was off to bed, where I only stayed up about 30 minutes before I was asleep (8:30 pm...I know, I'm lame).

And today, I get to relax. Of course, I have some work to do, but all in all, I get to relax and I think that's just what the Dr. ordered!

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