
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A little rain makes everything crazy...and muddy

We're finishing up rainy season here in Ghana, but Doryum hasn't gotten that message yet! Just when we think the weather is changing and it's getting hotter and not so rainy, it goes and pours buckets again!

Yesterday, right when we were closing out our day, it began to rain. Now, in a normal day, that would be fine, but in a day where you have close to 120 kids hanging around, this is a recipe for TROUBLE! First of all, I'm so grateful that we have a roof, but there were definitely a few leaks in our roof which made for some wet disruptions. And then, we haven't put a ceiling in yet in the classrooms, so the classrooms were so LOUD with the sound of the rain, that we pretty much had to call it a day.

Usually, after school, the kids either walk home or parents come to get them and by 3:30, the school is empty. Yesterday was another story! The kids wouldn't leave and the rain wouldn't let up and the parents didn't come! By 4:30, we still had about 50% of our kids in the school building, not sure how we were going to get them all home. And the taxis that were coming kept getting caught up in the mud. It was a mess!

By 5:30 last night, John came by for the last load, and BOY, was it a load. All of the teachers were still there as well as some of the kiddos. We tried to fit in all the kids, but one of the bigger boys had to walk home. I think we'll be happy when we get the school van up and running! It will help so much! But, piling all those kids on our laps led to some pretty muddy work of our legs and pants.

And today, well, today is Kwame Nkrumah day (the first President of Ghana), so we don't have school, but wouldn't you know it, it has been raining off and on all day today, so there really isn't much for any of us to do, but hang around inside. Not so much fun for a day off of school. Oh well!

We're glad for the rain though. It means we can plant our tomatoes and other veggies we have seeds for. That's exciting! Rain just makes things a little crazy around here...and REALLY muddy!

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