
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Living in FAITH

Each season of my life, for the past 5 years at least, I have chosen a word to represent my walk of faith. Usually, it's almost as if God chooses the word for me as he leads me through different things. For almost a year, I was in a season of SURRENDER. I have lived through seasons of JOY, UNVEILING, and REDEMPTION. This season has been one of FAITH, as I've been recently reminded of (thank you mini-family--Jenni and the gals--you prayed for me with this word a few weeks ago in your message!).

Before I came to Ghana, Priscilla Tyree and another Southlander prayed over me three things: 1) Faith for finances, 2) Faith for opened and closed doors, and 3) Faith for the miraculous. Even though it took a great deal of faith and obedience to get me here, I feel as though, in some ways, I've forgotten to have faith for bigger things than what I already see in this day to day journey here. But, it seems, lately God has been reminding me to have faith for great things.

I think of the way that I lived even 6 months ago. I was dependent on a paycheck, on my car working when I woke up in the morning, on the water being warm for my shower, on the electricity that it took to turn on our heater in the winter, on a friend's voice over the phone when I needed a chat, on access to internet, and so much more. In so many ways, my life has changed. My dependency isn't really on temporal things. It's become very apparent that nothing in this world really lasts. The only thing that I can depend on is God and I can have FAITH that HE ALONE is working in the relationships that I'm creating here and that through Him, I'm leaving something behind that is real and lasting.

So, I guess I am living in faith. I just don't want to forget that! As I think about it, I see big decisions that are on my horizons, decisions about the next year, and I'm praying IN FAITH, that God will open and close doors as He sees fit. I'm praying IN FAITH over Edwin as I care for him on a day to day basis, that God will work miracles in his life. I'm praying IN FAITH over my time at home this Christmas that God will breathe on me his rest. I'm praying IN FAITH, that in this new year, we will see AMAZING things pop up at City of Refuge that even we can't understand--opportunities for exposure, for ministry, for evangelism, for prayer, for development, for God to be made known. And I'm even moved to pray (due to a sermon I heard this Sunday) IN FAITH for my future husband.

God, expand my faith. I want to believe in You for the biggest of the big!

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