
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Made to Crave, Post 3

I read an awesome chapter this morning in "Made to Crave".

Here are some thoughts and quotes:

"We were made for more than this.  More than this failure, more than this cycle, more than being ruled by taste buds.  We were made for victory.  Sometimes we just have to find our way to that truth."

I love that.  I love that God created us for more.  I am thankful that he created us for more.  If this was all there was...wow...

I'm so thankful...and I'm also sad, because I know that many times, I live in a place of "just enough" instead of "more than".  So, how do I change the cycle that I so often cling to? 

Lysa says,

"Rewriting the go-to scripts is one of the most crucial steps toward permanent progress....We have to rewrite those by getting into the habit of saying other things.  And the first of these [things] is 'I was made for more'.  Wrapped in this truth is a wisdom and revelation that unlocks great power available to all Christians."

She offers the truth of Epesians 1:17-19 and disects it into these segments that helps us to rewrite those scripts in our minds--changing the lies to truth:

"Be persistent: Keep asking"

She says, "Paul doesn't ask for wisdom one time.  Paul asks over and over and over again.  So should we.  We need to ask for God's wisdom, revelation, and intervening power to be an integral part of our food choices [and decision making] from now on."

As I read this, I wrote in my journal how again and again I am always asking for wisdom, but often, I forget to ask for wisdom in this area.  I ask for wisdom on how to deal with these kids at the school.  I ask for wisdom for our kids here.  I ask for wisdom on how to deal with teachers.  Yet, when it comes to asking for wisdom on how to deal with this walk towards health...I don't.  I blame myself and make it all about me.  But, this isn't about just me and my eating...it's so much more.

"Embrace a True Identity: Glorious Father"

She says: "We are made for more because we are children of God....The truth of my identity as a child of God empowers me to believe that living in vitory tastes sweeter than any unhealthy delicacy."

I love this one.  Time and time again, God continues to teach me about my identity as his daughter.  I just seem to forget so often.  But, he is good.  He is persistent.  He is a pursuer.  And he comes after me with the truth of who I am as his daughter.  Beautiful.  Loved.  Accepted. 

"The real reason for grounding ourselves in the truth that we are made for more is 'so that we may know him better'.  The more we operate in the truth of who we are and the reality that we were made for more, the closer to God we'll become."

And that's what I desire.  More grounding.  More truth.  More of myself rooted in Christ.  So, this journey really has less to do about me being able to gain control of how I eat or that I exercise and more and more to do with me and God.  And isn't it the same with every other thing too? 

The power of God is what I'm clinging to now.  He alone can move and change this mind of mine.  He can even move and change my body.  So, I am trusting in His wisdom...stepping into my true identity...and believing that His power can make this all possible.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it crazy how we can make things so complicated, and they are complicated I know; then when put in different perspective the things you're going for are all a bi-product of knowing God more. You, me and the young adult community here all seem to be on the same bend, curve, journey. Simple but dense, simply dense.
