
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Being Mama

This weekend, John and Stacy were gone to the Volta with the Ghana Rock team and all of the volunteers went with them.  It was weird to be at home with just the family.  But, with John and Stacy and Lydia all gone, that meant that there was a lot of work placed on me.

Rosemary helped with all the meals and we were able to get everyone fed throughout the weekend.  Friday night, I made a black bean stew for our rice that was kinda like a black bean chili.  Oh man, it was SO DELICIOUS!  Unfortunately, Miracle and Paul hated it.  They don't like black beans, but we made them try it anyway.  They got used to it after awhile.

Saturday night, the Beebe's came for dinner (and showers since their power had been off for a couple of days).  I made a pesto pasta with grilled veggies and some bbq chicken and Rosemary made a salad.  It was delicious!  Again, Miracle and JJ had a hard time eating the pesto pasta as it didn't have enough pepper in it, but it was still yummy.

I had been on Justice duty all day on Saturday and had washed all of the boys clothes.  Man, those three little guys sure do go through a lot of clothes every day.  I don't know how Lydia keeps up with it!  In any case, Justice was a little clingy because he's been getting over a cold, so he was my little sidekick all day.  In the afternoon, all the boys went down for a nap and I found myself even sleeping for a bit (a real treat!).  At night, with the Beebe's (and their yummy popcorn), we watched Mr. Bean's Vacation.  I thought it would be good for the kids since they don't hear much English and Mr. Bean hardly ever talks.  Oh man, it was so funny to hear some of the kids giggling and giggling.  I especially loved to hear Robert, Florence, and DK laugh so hard!

Sunday, the team was headed back and Rosemary prepared dinner for everyone...it was so yummy!  She worked on it all day long.  What a big help she was to me this weekend.

When they finally got back, I realized...wow, this "being mama" stuff is hard!  You are on duty 24/7.  It can be really tiring, but I loved the hugs and "I love you"s at the end of every day.  But, I was happy to hand over parent duty back to Stacy and John. 

One of these days, I'll be a mama to my own little ones...but until then, I'll enjoy the moments when I get to love on these kiddos and still enjoy my time to myself in my room.

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