
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Sunday, April 5, 2015


I am certain that one of the sweetest gifts in this world is friendship. It is one of those gifts that can't be understood with numbers, runs deeper than blood, and heals the heart as almost nothing in this world can.

My sweet friend, Kat, just left Ghana after spending a little over a week with us here.

We were looking through pictures from our college days, admiring our short, crazy hairstyles, and choice of clothing. We reminisced about our road trip to Prescott, Arizona. We caught up on each other's families. We laughed at a million things together. We worshipped. We danced. We talked until late in the night. We prayed for each other and shared tears over the hard things in life (or should I say the "heart" things of life?).  We celebrated with the sweet moments like hugs from our littles, desperately needed organization, our Thrive girl's tea party, Katty meeting her sponsored child, washing the feet of these kiddos, speaking out the many ways God has moved here at CORM over these years. 

It was incredibly special.

I watched her sometimes, while I was busy catching up on my 50+ emails, or working with a kid, or chatting with a staff member It was so surreal to have her here, yet she remains the woman of beauty that I have always known, chatting with our staff, making people feel loved and included and known, sharing her pictures of Zeke and her husband, Isaiah, with everyone that was willing to watch. In fact, some of our kids even had her videos memorized by the time she left, asking her at dinner each night for the video of Zeke walking 2 steps or the video of him laughing with his daddy. She loves to share her life. 

I was just so grateful to have my worlds collide. For others to get to experience the wonder of friendship that I have known in Kat these past 15 years.

And while I was so sad to see her go this morning, I was incredibly grateful for the time, knowing the sacrifice of leaving her little one, her husband, completely trusting God for full provision. And I know, that I know, that I know, that her visit here only strengthened our friendship, only widened our circle, only deepened the level of love and trust.

Somehow, I have discovered the best of friends are the ones that stretch across the miles and the time and never let the distance get in the way of the love.  Whether they "come" physically to touch and see and feel and smell and taste, or whether they "come" with words of encouragement and prayers and the sweetest updates from back home, I am blessed with some pretty amazing friends.

Today, I am incredibly grateful for their presence in my life. They make all the difference.

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