
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When God Speaks

I've been in a place where I am learning to listen more.  I'm trying to pull back a bit.  To sit in places of silence.  To hear more from the Lord.

Sometimes, waiting to hear from God is difficult.  After all, I live with 40+ kids running around on a day to day basis.  So quiet...well...it's pretty unheard of here.

But, God doesn't require just a quiet space alone to speak.  He requires a quiet heart.  Open ears.  A willing spirit.

And He's been speaking.

The past couple of days, we've had a YYAM team with us here, helping out at the school and loving on our kids.  Last night, they led a worship gathering for all of us as staff and our older kids.

The Spirit of God was so sweet.  So pure.  So powerful.  So present.

Worship started and tears just began to flow as the Holy Spirit began to speak.

And God gave me words from three different people that were so beautiful, so perfect.  It could only have come from Him, because the YYAM'ers for sure didn't know anything about these conversations.

God spoke of His pride in me.  That He sees.  That I am not forgotten.

God spoke about the way that I have served here, giving me permission to dream my own dreams again (a word that I felt God had begun to speak to me while in the States).  That what has been accomplished so far is only the beginning, and I am to push through, to persevere and endure (a word God continues to speak since I have been back in Ghana), and I will see even greater things come.  And then the words of Ephesians 3:16-21, spoken over me since 2004, a reminder that the same God that worked in me then, is still at work in me now.

God spoke that I have an anointing of healing--not in the physical realm only, but in the hearts of people.

God spoke that He loves me...He loves me...He loves me.  He knows my struggles and my trials and He is with me.  I am not alone.  He is pursuing me, romancing me, desiring a greater intimacy (also a word I had heard during my time in the States).

I felt like tears could not be contained.  It was just so sweet.  So deep.  So precious.  So real.  So good.

And this morning, I had no words except, THANK YOU FATHER.  God is good.

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