
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Texting while Sleeping

This post was previously written--Sunday, April 17.

So, I have been so excited waiting for Katie to come in. All day yesterday, I was texting her and praying for her journeys across the country and over the ocean.

Last night, Katie was texting me when she arrived at the airport in Washington, DC. It was really late for me, like 1 something in the morning. And I would wake up to the text and try to respond, but I kept dozing off while texting. When she would text, I would wake up for a short enough time to read her message and then start to text her back, but I'd doze off mid-text and would wake up to realize that my thumb had still been pushing buttons and my texts looked more like "asdfoosdfoshosddf" than anything comprehensible. I kept laughing at myself and telling myself to concentrate, but then, I'd just go to sleep once more. I think I ended up sending her a few random ones, but hopefully was able to concentrate for long enough to make some sort of sense.

Can't wait for her to arrive. Just a couple more hours...

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