
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Pursuers of Restoration

There is a lot going on out here lately. There isn't much I can say about some of the adventures in front of us, but it seems one word keeps finding itself in the center of every conversation.


Oh God, that we may be pursuers of restoration.

One of our campus directors, NanaAma, said in last weeks directors meeting, "Restoration can be so practical."

That simple statement really made me think. 

Her statement had followed a conversation with one of our kids, pulled into our office to discuss behavior problems. We spoke about her identity as a daughter of a Great King. She is a princess. As a princess, she has every right and privelege of a princess. She can see her value through the eyes of the King, who would do anything to protect her, to show his love, to care for her needs, to honor her, to encourage her towards his plans and purposes. 

She hid her face, embarrassed by the attention, but as I watched, I saw her sitting up taller, taking ownership of the words spoken over her.

Today, I had one on ones with some of my staff. Every conversation, I asked if they felt like God had laid on their heart any of the values we have being discussing with them around here on a weekly basis. One of my teachers spoke up immediately--passion. She spoke about how she felt like she went through a few seasons where she had lost her passion. She had lost herself. And she feels like God is restoring her her passion...for music...for children...for her relationship with the Lord. And then we talked about the power of redemption, that God's desire is always to restore. And He is using those restored places in her life to bring about passion and restoration in the lives of others. Recycled redemption.

Redemption is so practical. 

You see the places that need restored. You speak into those places and pray over those places and pour love into those places...and you trust that God will restore and in the end, that restoration will be passed down to the next person needing hope.

Oh God, that we may be pursuers of restoration. That we will see a staff restored to Gods identity and that they would recycle their redemption into the lives of those they minister to on a daily basis.

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