
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Praying for God to Reign

Let's just say that it's been a rough few weeks at the school.

...battles of the heart...

...battles of the mind...

...battles with behavior...

...battles with teacher's and their understandings...

...battles against time...

...battles for Kingdom Culture...

We lost a teacher the first day of school.  For three weeks, she was gone, and has finally returned this week to week.  We're praising God for her!

But, then, my first grade teacher quit.  So, I had one of my kindergarten aides come and teach the class for a week. 

She hasn't returned to work this week.  I'm assuming that her way of saying "I quit".

And we have had to have discussion after discussion with teachers about difficult things.

Discussion after discussion with students and families...

We have felt the attack.

And even physically, I have felt the attack.  My entire body, so tired that I feel like it takes every effort I have to keep my eyes open and one foot in front of the other.

So, last night, Holly suggested we come over to the school to pray.  And pray we did.

We prayed against the enemies work here on this campus.

We prayed for favor...for vision...for life to be breathed onto this land.

We prayed for teachers who are discipled followers of Christ.

We prayed for our students and their futures and the choices that will lead them to their futures.

And we are trusting, in faith, that God will do it.

He is victorious.  Even when it feels so heavy...He is ALREADY VICTORIOUS!

And I will stand in that truth.

I HAVE to stand in that truth.

Without that, this vision will crumble.  It wouldn't be worth it.

So, I thank God that He has defeated the enemy already.

He knows we are affecting change here.

He knows we are affecting the future of this community, of this country.  And he's not happy.

But, to be honest, I am really not happy about how He is trying to defeat us here.

And I am so happy to be a part of a team...John and Stacy, Holly and Kathy, that believe in faith that God is moving and victorious and that this vision will see itself to fruition because of WHO we stand for.

I am surrendering Faith Roots to our Mighty God.


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