
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Coming of Age, Post 4

Yesterday, we spent a good majority of the day in several Bible studies with our kids. We discussed the charteristics of a Godly Man and a Godly Woman. We spoke into the kids all our dreams of why we put this week together for them. And we heard from them too, how God was moving and speaking to them. And last night, we capped it all off by viewing "God's Not Dead". The kids (and the staff) were challenged, encouraged, and inspired by the story, and excited to see where they might be able to step out in faith in their lives.

But, it was this morning that I was looking forward to, worship and prayer time for their future and their lives. 

Aaron and Valentina stepped up to lead in the beginning, speaking out prayers over the kids, praying in boldness and leading worship with grace. I watched in wonder as our kids stepped up to lead. I was especially in awe of Aaron, with his soft and gentle voice, speaking boldly and words filled with truth. They opened the door for the presence of The Lord and it was beautiful.

When they finished, I brought out my guitar to begin to lead. Suddenly, the skies grew dark and the rain began to come down heavily on the roof. The guitar could hardly be heard over sound of the rain, but it almost added to the presence of The Lord that was in that room. The kids drew their chairs closer and as God began to minister through song. They poured out their hearts, some of them weeping on their faces, hands held high as they knelt in worship. New songs were created. Lives surrendered. God's presence fell in such a powerful way, it felt like God had sent a river through the room.

Before I knew it, I looked up to see our kids standing up, praying over each other. Speaking into each other. Words of truth. Words of confession. Words of ministry. I watched as one of our oldest girls cradled another girl for such a long time, just speaking truth, the truth she desperately needed to hear, into her ear. They spoke of visions The Lord gave them for each other. They asked for prayer for their families, for some of our special kids, for them as they walked out in leadership.

And it was in that moment, I had a vision of my own. CORM's campus completely covered in a layer of water up to our ankles. Curious onlookers were entering in from our entrance ways, just wanting a taste of what they saw. But, God desired to do even more. God desired for waist high waters. Neck high waters. Water that rose over our height, that we might dive in completely. Waters of God's love. Waters of God's presence. And this vision could only be made manifest if we, His people, began to dig into the depths. To not accept the surface waters as being a perfectly acceptable place to dwell. To go deep. To get serious about the things of God. And if this were to happen, it would change the face of this place...this community...these people...this nation...this world.

By the time we ended, we were full (and my guitar had suffered not just one, but two broken strings), and I wanted to just sit in that sweet place forever.

God, come. 

Pour your presence down just as these rains have been poured from your great sky. 

We are ready for more of you.

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