
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

God is Faithful

Today, I sat down with Stanley this afternoon and started chatting about plans for next week. We eventually transitioned into a conversation of how we see God working in this school...in our homes...in our community.

And then, he asked me this question, "Aunty Autumn, what would you say is a theme that God has been teaching you since you came to Ghana."

It didn't take me long to say, "God is so faithful."

You see, when I first arrived, we lived in Tema and though I was in another country, much of my life was very comfortable. We lived in a big house. I talked to family and friends almost daily via Skype. It had its challenges, but when I look back, it was pretty easy. And God was so faithful...giving me (someone who struggles with change and transition) time to get used to the culture and the mission and the vision and the kids.

And then, God called us to Doryumu. 40 of us all living in one house. 40... It was uncomfortable and tiring, but oh, that season taught me so much. And we began to see even more of Gods faithfulness as he literally drew people to us. Meeting the O'leary's, connecting with NYU and Semester at Sea, trips from YGAP...people began to come and they caught the vision and went home changed.

And we began to build...in faith that the money would come. We broke ground on the school building on December 28, 2010. We now see a building almost completed (just waiting for a little paint and computers).

We started building the Omorefe house and the children's home and by the end ofNovember of 2011, we were moved in. 

We didn't have electricity until April 2012, but we saw Gods faithful provision every step of the way, from hearing that we would need to raise $30,000 to bring in the electricity to seeing it come in without any money paid to the government at all.

We saw our water connected to the main pipe allowing us access to water at all times (where most people have one week on and one week off).

We saw several houses built and we literally have no idea where the money came from.

So yes, God has been faithful. Time and time again.

And that is when we know that this thing we are doing here, well, it is all His...because we know, without a shadow of a doubt, it wasn't us.

Thank you Father for your faithfulness!

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