
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Leaving and looking back

Though I'm excited to go home for a little bit, leaving always is a little bittersweet. Today is no exception. The kids feel it too. About 6 of them came into my room this morning to play in my toy bag...yesterday, 6 more helped me pack my bags and clean up some of my mess in my room...some of them have even hid under my bed.

The joy they bring is so sweet.

I think back to a year ago when I was preparing to come here, unsure of everything and sad about leaving behind one of my best friend's who had just had a baby (my little girl Brylie) and my other best friend who had just told me she was pregnant. I was sad about leaving my job and the staff at Brentwood. I was sad about leaving behind my church, my house, my friends, my family. It was difficult and the season of "sadness" lasted so long. But, I know that I have been called here. I see that now. And I look back over this past year and see that changes that have happened in me and the opportunities that I have been given and though my life is SO DIFFERENT from the one that I lived in the States, I call this year a blessing.

I know that my life here is "on" 24/7 and I am excited for the rest that this trip will bring (Lord, I'm praying for REST and not for busyness!), but I will miss these children, my friends, and family here in Ghana. This year has brought change and I can't go back to how I lived before. My eyes are opened...

Now, I really see where Paul talks about our home not being of this world. My home has to be a longing for heaven, when all the people from all of my "homes" can once and for all come together.

I love this song that Sara Groves sings "Every Minute" and there is this one part that is my dream...and I know that it won't happen until we are all truly "home", but it is a beautiful dream. And so I leave you with these lyrics:

And I wish all the people I love the most
Could gather in one place,
And know each other and love each other well.
And I wish we could all go camping,
And lay beneath the stars,
And have nothing to do and stories to tell.
We'd sit around the campfire
And we'd make each other laugh,
Remembering when...
And you're the first one I'm inviting.
Always know that you're invited, my friend.
And at the risk of wearing out my welcome.
At the risk of self-discovery,
I'll take every moment,
And every minute that you give me.
Every moment, and every minute that you give me.
Every moment, and every minute that you give me.
Every minute...

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