
My name is Autumn Buzzell and I live and work in Ghana, West Africa with City of Refuge Ministries. Here, I run our school, Faith Roots International Academy, and get to be a part in rescuing and the healing of children who have been trafficked into the fishing trade, orphaned, abandoned, and those who just need a little extra loving. What an amazing gift this life is!

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Leaving Tomorrow

I am leaving tomorrow for Ghana. Wow! It seems like it is something I have just been talking about for ages, but would never come to fruition. Can't believe it's actually happening!
On Friday, my friends Yona and Jake drove up from Southern California to spend some time with me up here. It really spoke volumes to me about their love. And yesterday, I had over 40 people stop by the Ivy house to wish me farewell. It was such a beautiful picture to me of how God has moved in community during my time in the Bay area.
The hardest part of yesterday was saying goodbye to the Koldings, especially knowing how much Brylie will change in this next year. I have had the amazing priveledge of getting to be a part of Bylie's life her first two and a half months. There hasn't been a week of her life that I have missed. It will be weird for me to see so many changes the next time I see her. To see her crawling, smiling, full of personality. I have been so lucky to have seen the little milestones of her life so far, and the rest will be witnessed via skype I guess!
It was so hard to say bye to Yona as well. The next time I see her, little baby Roberts will have been born and life will be so different in their home. I'm sad that I will have to miss her first moments of life, but I asked to be in the hospital via skype as soon as she arrives!
Wow! My life is going to be so different in these upcoming weeks and months. I know that God has fully called me, providing for me ABOVE AND BEYOND what I had thought possible. I think I struggle to put into words the feelings. . .and even to know exactly what I'm feeling. Excited. . .nervous. . .just walking forward into the world of "not knowing". It's a little scary, yet I don't really feel scared. I guess the next few days will bring forth the emotions that have been just sitting on the surface these past few weeks.
The next time I write, it will probably be from a far different place than East Menlo Park, California.

1 comment:

  1. i guess i didn't realize that you leaving for Ghana meant that you'd be gone for a year! wow... what an exciting opportunity! what a blessing to be used by God in such a way. may you be a blessing to His people, and may He bless you richly day in and day out. i understand what it's like to leave babies behind, but God will bless you tenfold when you return. :) and just as much while you're there. :) i promise. it's never the same, but it's still amazing. :) you will be in my prayers, and i'm adding your blog to my list of blogs to read. :) so take care, enjoy your time, and ... shine as you always do! :)

    ~ amanda P
